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Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Data Science and Robotics

Ilkay Altintas

Ilkay Altintas

Chief Data Science Officer, San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego
Director, Workflows for Data Science Center of Excellence
Director, WIFIRE Lab

Area of Expertise:

Scientific workflows, big data applications, distributed computing, reproducible science, Kepler Scientific Workflow System, AI in tackling climate challenges like wildfire

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Mikhail Belkin

Mikhail Belkin

Professor, Halιcιoğlu Data Science Institute

Area of Expertise:

Developing theory to better understand neural networks in particular and AI in general, Machine learning and deep learning

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Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

AI for the humanities, developing generative modeling techniques for understanding and generating structured human data–including natural language, music, historical ciphers, document images and other complex artifacts

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Henrik Christensen

Henrik Christensen

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering
Director, Contextual Robotics Institute at UC San Diego

Area of Expertise:

Robotics and AI, with an emphasis on a systems view of problems, focusing on everything from self-driving vehicles to warehouse robots

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Sujit Dey

Sujit Dey

Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering
Director, UC San Diego Center for Wireless Communications
Faculty Director, UC San Diego Institute for the Global Entrepreneur
Qualcomm Institute Affiliate

Area of Expertise:

Using innovative multi-modal data fusion and learning algorithms, and edge computing and networking architectures, to enable novel 5G and 6G use cases like predictive personalized health, X-Reality and smart and sustainable mobility, Using AI for precise and personalized diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic conditions

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Tara Javidi

Tara Javidi

Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering
Co-Director of the Center for Machine-Integrated Computing and Security (MICS)

Area of Expertise:

Using principles from AI to optimize large-scale engineering systems and the scientific discovery pipeline, Using AI principles to optimize beam-tracking, end-to-end routing, multi-user scheduling and communication secrecy in next generation communication networks, AI solutions for experiment design

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Takaki Komiyama

Takaki Komiyama

Professor, Departments of Neurobiology and Neurosciences, School of Biological Sciences and School of Medicine
Area of Expertise:

Using AI networks to mine data sets of neuronal ensembles to identify patterns of behavioral strategies, Reinforcement learning, Exploring links between AI networks and the brain

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Julian McAuley

Julian McAuley

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Personalized machine learning and large language models in applications ranging from personalized recommendations, to chatbots, health care and fashion design

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Ndapa Nakashole

Ndapa Nakashole

Computer science professor

Area of Expertise:

Nakashole is interested in Natural Language Processing, Her work focuses on the healthcare domain with a particular interest in question answering, entity linking and making healthcare information accessible to the general public using NLP methods, She also works on low resource languages with the goal of widening the population of people that can benefit from language technology

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Shyue Ping Ong

Shyue Ping Ong

Nanoengineering Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering
Associate Director, UC San Diego Sustainable Power and Energy Center

Area of Expertise:

Use of AI and machine learning to accelerate the discovery and development of new materials with superior properties for applications ranging from advanced batteries and LEDs to structural alloys for extreme environments

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Leo Porter

Leo Porter

Computer Science Teaching Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Using AI tools to teach programming to undergraduate students, Active learning pedagogies and using machine learning techniques to predict struggling students

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Laurel Riek

Laurel Riek

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering
Director, UC San Diego Healthcare Robotics Lab
UC San Diego Design Lab

Area of Expertise:

Human-robot interaction and human-centered AI, Assistive/accessible technology, Embodied AI and health informatics, AI technology in acute care, neuro-rehabilitation and home health, AI and health equity, AI ethics and robot ethics

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Terry Sejnowski

Terry Sejnowski

Distinguished Professor, Department of Neurobiology, School of Biological Sciences and Francis Crick Chair and Professor, Salk Institute

Area of Expertise:

Neural networks, Computational and theoretical neuroscience, including how our understanding of neurobiology has paved the way for brain-inspired artificial intelligence advancements

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Jingbo Shang

Jingbo Shang

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Large language models and their applications, Detecting and preventing toxic prompts cloaked in benign language in chatbots powered by large language models, Developing data-driven approaches to transform massive text data into actionable knowledge

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Yuanyuan Shi

Yuanyuan Shi

Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Performance-guaranteed AI models for sustainable energy systems, AI models that optimize indoor air quality and energy consumption in smart buildings, Developing AI and control techniques to balance electricity generation and demand in microgrids powered by renewable energy sources

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Gabriel Silva

Gabriel Silva

Bioengineering Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

The intersection of neuroscience, neural computing and engineering; understanding the algorithms the biological brain uses in order to develop novel mathematical models for artificial neural networks and machine learning

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Kristen Vaccaro

Kristen Vaccaro

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering and the UC San Diego Design Lab

Area of Expertise:

Content moderation and AI, Privacy and surveillance, Auditing and regulation, Bias in AI, Equity in AI, Transparency

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Yusu Wang

Yusu Wang

Professor, Halιcιoğlu Data Science Institute
Director, The National Science Foundation Artificial Intelligence Research Institute TILOS (The Institute for Learning Enabled Optimization at Scale)

Area of Expertise:

Geometric deep learning, graph learning, topological data analysis, machine learning for complex unstructured data, Learning enabled optimization, with applications to chip design, material science and neuroscience

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Frank Würthwein

Frank Würthwein

Director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center, Professor of Physics, School of Physical Sciences
Executive Director, Open Science Grid

Area of Expertise:

High-capacity data cyberinfrastructure, high-energy particle physics

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Rose Yu

Rose Yu

Computer Science Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Machine learning, especially for large-scale spatiotemporal data, Deep learning, Generative AI, Spatiotemporal reasoning, The inclusion of scientific knowledge into AI systems, Learning dynamical systems in climate, health care and physical sciences

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AI in Society, Politics and Art

Amy Alexander

Amy Alexander

Professor, Computing in the Arts (Visual Arts), School of Arts and Humanities
UC San Diego Design Lab

Area of Expertise:

Computationally-based art, Algorithmic bias, AI and gender, AI and subjective characteristics, Bias in AI image generators

Media Contact

Memo Akten

Memo Akten

Assistant Professor; Computational & New Media Art, School of Arts and Humanities
UC San Diego Design Lab

Area of Expertise:

Computational systems that augment and expand human creativity, Social, cultural, political, ethical and philosophical implications of AI, Using art to create speculative simulations and data dramatizations exploring the intricacies of human-machine entanglements; perception and states of consciousness; the tensions between ecology, technology, science and spirituality

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Ben Bergen

Ben Bergen

Professor in the Department of Cognitive Science/School of Social Sciences
UC San Diego Design Lab

Area of Expertise: Language comprehension, large language models, human consequences of AI

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Peter Cowhey

Peter Cowhey

Dean Emeritus and Qualcomm Chair Emeritus, UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy

Area of Expertise:

Balancing AI regulation and innovation, comparative analysis of AI, AI in critical infrastructure, Certification and regulatory measures, International collaboration on AI regulation

Media Contact

David Danks

David Danks

Professor, Data Science and Philosophy, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute and School of Arts and Humanities
Member, National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee

Area of Expertise:

Ethical, psychological and policy/regulatory issues around AI and robotics across multiple sectors, including transportation, health care, privacy, defense and security, causal AI systems, particularly for biomedical and public health data, computational models of human learning and reasoning

Media Contact

Virginia de Sa

Virginia de Sa

Professor in the Department of Cognitive Science/School of Social Sciences
Associate Director, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute

Area of Expertise:

Brain-computer interfaces, machine learning, AI and computer vision, Vision/visual psychophysics, Computational neuroscience and facial expression analysis, Human consequences of AI, as well as improving equity in education using AI and using tech to reduce economic inequality and inequity in health care

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Shlomo Dubnov

Shlomo Dubnov

Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities, and Computer Science and Engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering
Director, Center for Research in Entertainment and Learning (CREL) at Qualcomm Institute

Area of Expertise:

The intersection of music and AI, Computer music and machine improvisation, Using generative AI for music and human-AI co-creativity

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Amy Eguchi

Amy Eguchi

Teaching Professor (LSOE) in the Department of Education Studies/School of Social Sciences

Area of Expertise:

AI in K-12 education, AI literacy, developing national educational guidelines for AI, Integration of AI tools/AI literacy education in classrooms and teacher education to prepare the future workforce, Educational robotics, Human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction

Media Contact

Stuart Geiger

Stuart Geiger

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication/School of Social Sciences and Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute

Area of Expertise:

Disinformation generated by AI, social responsibility of AI, the “AI Revolution,” Using AI innovatively in the college classroom, AI as part of the writing process, Ethnographer of computation, Human-computer interaction

Media Contact

Philip Guo

Philip Guo

Associate professor in the Department of Cognitive Science/School of Social Sciences
UC San Diego Design Lab

Area of Expertise:

Learning to code with the help of AI, Teaching programming in the age of ChatGPT, AI for scientific programming

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Gail Heyman

Gail Heyman

Professor in the Department of Psychology/School of Social Sciences

Area of Expertise:

AI and education, Large language models, Human consequences of AI, Academic integrity

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Lilly Irani

Lilly Irani

Associate Professor in the Department of Communication/School of Social Sciences and the UC San Diego Design Lab
Faculty Director, UC San Diego Labor Center

Area of Expertise:

AI labor, AI ethics, how technologies and tech companies affect people, their work and neighborhoods

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Jacobo Myerston

Jacobo Myerston

Associate Professor, Literature, School of Arts and Humanities

Area of Expertise:

Using machine learning to study ancient languages and societies

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Vincent Nijs

Vincent Nijs

Associate Professor of Business Analytics and Marketing, UC San Diego Rady School of Management
Co-Director, UC San Diego’s Master of Science in Business Analytics

Area of Expertise:

Generative AI in business, including for process improvement, cost reduction and changing scope of work, AI in curriculum at business schools, AI in the workplace

Media Contact

Holly Okonkwo

Holly Okonkwo

Assistant Professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies/School of Social Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Critical data and AI studies, human-centered design, the politics of computing, How knowledge production and technical practices are culturally constructed and conditioned by the politics of race, gender, class and coloniality in the United States, Ghana and Nigeria

Media Contact

Margaret Roberts

Margaret Roberts

Professor in the Department of Political Science/School of Social Sciences and the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute

Area of Expertise:

Politics of information and misinformation, automated content analysis, and the politics of censorship and propaganda of authoritarian states, How censorship can influence AI, using AI and machine learning to investigate social media and AI threats to democracy

Media Contact

Will Styler

Will Styler

Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Linguistics/School of Social Sciences
Director of the Computational Social Science Program

Area of Expertise:

Speech recognition, text-to-speech, computational analysis of speech, large language models, medical natural language processing, machine learning and AI in pedagogy and teaching, free and open software and culture

Media Contact

Shahrokh Yadegari

Shahrokh Yadegari

Professor, Music, School of Arts and Humanities; Associate Director of the Qualcomm Institute
Director, Sonic Arts Research and Development and the Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS)

Area of Expertise:

AI in acoustic modeling and sound spatialization

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AI in Human Health and Healthcare Delivery

Ludmil Alexandrov

Ludmil Alexandrov

Bioengineering professor, Jacobs School of Engineering

Area of Expertise:

AI approaches and experimental techniques to gain insight into how cancers develop and grow

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Rommie Amaro

Rommie Amaro

Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, School of Biological Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Using computational techniques to investigate the structure, function and dynamics of complex biological systems, Using AI-enhanced simulations as tools to develop new medicines and vaccines

Media Contact

Linda Awdishu

Linda Awdishu

Head, Division of Clinical Pharmacy, and Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Using AI to predict health outcomes and identify disease, specifically acute kidney injury before it occurs in the hospital

Media Contact

John Ayers

John Ayers

Vice Chief of Innovation in the Division of Infectious Disease and Global Public Health at UC San Diego School of Medicine and UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute Affiliate

Area of Expertise:

Use and regulation of AI in health care, Health care-related internet searches

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Sally Baxter

Sally Baxter

Ophthalmologist and division chief for Ophthalmology Informatics and Data Science at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

AI in ophthalmology

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Hannah Carter

Hannah Carter

Associate Professor, UC San Diego School of Medicine Department of Medicine

Area of Expertise:

Using AI for deep-learning genomics, to better understand how DNA is organized and activated and deactivated in cells

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Rodney Gabriel

Rodney Gabriel

Anesthesiologist and Director, Division of Perioperative Informatics at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

AI workflows in surgical and perioperative care

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Pradipta Ghosh

Pradipta Ghosh

Professor, UC San Diego School of Medicine Departments of Medicine and Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Founding Director, UC San Diego Institute for Network Medicine
Director, UC San Diego Agilent Center of Excellence for Cellular Intelligence

Area of Expertise:

Using AI to link gene expression with disease states in order to create better models of disease and discover new treatment targets

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Albert Hsiao

Albert Hsiao

Radiologist at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

Use of AI and radiology imaging

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Trey Ideker

Trey Ideker

Professor, UC San Diego School of Medicine Department of Medicine, Adjunct Professor, Jacobs School of Engineering Departments of Bioengineering and Computer Science

Area of Expertise:

Developing and using AI tools to predict treatment resistance in tumors and to develop new cancer drugs

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Adrian Jinich

Adrian Jinich

Assistant Professor, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, School of Biological Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Using AI in drug discovery, specifically to target deadly and drug resistant enzymes in tuberculosis (TB) cases

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Christoper Longhurst

Christoper Longhurst

Chief Medical Officer & Chief Digital Officer at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

AI implementation in health systems, Impact of AI in health care, AI in health innovation

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Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, School of Biological Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Using AI tools to investigate bacteriophage (phage), viruses that are considered promising therapeutic sources in the growing antibiotic resistance crisis, AI research includes which mutations lead to infection, detecting genes involved in infection and resistance and analyzing how phage evolve

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Andrew McCulloch

Andrew McCulloch

Bioengineering professor, Jacobs School of Engineering
Director, UC San Diego Institute of Engineering in Medicine
Leader, UC San Diego arm of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Allia

Area of Expertise:

Use of multi-scale engineering approaches to understand, diagnose and treat heart disease and discover the biological principles underlying human athletic performance

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Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy

Radiologist at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

AI workflows in radiology

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Camille Nebeker

Camille Nebeker

Professor, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and the Design Lab; Qualcomm Institute Affiliate

Area of Expertise:

AI risk assessment, Ethical and social implications of digital and AI strategies used in research, Informed consent, Bias in AI, Data management, AI in healthcare

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Ming-Tai Seale

Ming-Tai Seale

Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Department of Medicine Division of Biomedical Informatics

Area of Expertise:

Using machine learning to reduce physician workload

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Karandeep Singh

Karandeep Singh

Joan and Irwin Jacobs Endowed Chair in Digital Health Innovation at UC San Diego School of Medicine and Chief Health Artificial Intelligence Officer at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

Use of AI in health care

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Amy Sitapati

Amy Sitapati

Chief Medical Information Officer for Population Health and Primary Care Physician, UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

AI in health care, Ethical use of AI in health

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Gabriel Wardi

Gabriel Wardi

Emergency Medicine Physician at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

Using AI to detect sepsis in patients receiving care in the hospital

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Zaid Yousif

Zaid Yousif

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Computing in health care, Using AI to predict health outcomes and identify disease, specifically acute kidney injury before it occurs in the hospital

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AI in Climate and Earth Science

Luca Delle Monache

Luca Delle Monache

Deputy Director of the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Area of Expertise:

Using AI to improve weather predictions and improve the prediction of atmospheric rivers

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Neal Driscoll

Neal Driscoll

Professor, geology and geophysics at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Director and principal investigator, ALERTCalifornia

Area of Expertise:

Using AI tools to prepare for, respond to and recover from wildfires and other natural hazards

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Kait Frasier

Kait Frasier

Assistant Research Scientist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and head of the Scripps Machine Listening Laboratory

Area of Expertise:

The intersection between oceanography and machine learning: using machine learning to extract actionable insights from large underwater acoustic datasets, with a deep understanding of physical, biological and anthropogenic sound sources, Using AI to identify dolphin species, Using machine learning to study the impact of environmental disasters, like the Deep Horizon oil spill, on marine mammals

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Alice Gabriel

Alice Gabriel

Associate Professor of Geophysics and seismologist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Area of Expertise:

Use of AI in seismology, combining physics-based computer simulations with data-driven techniques and theoretical analysis to uncover the physical mechanisms relevant to understanding earthquakes, Using AI-enhanced tools to evaluate earthquake scenarios on demand

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Nicholas Lutsko

Nicholas Lutsko

Assistant Professor of Climate Sciences at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Area of Expertise: Using AI in climate models and to optimize climate solutions, like solar geoengineering interventions, Using machine learning algorithms to simulate environmental factors like upper ocean turbulence and clouds in climate models

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Stuart Sandin

Stuart Sandin

Marine Ecologist and Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Director, Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation

Area of Expertise:

Using AI to study coral reefs and accelerate the process by which the researchers can observe how corals are growing, shrinking, changing, dying and recruiting

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Duncan Watson-Parris

Duncan Watson-Parris

Assistant Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute

Area of Expertise:

The application of machine learning in climate science, Machine learning tools and techniques to better understand the complex interactions between aerosols and clouds, and their representation within global climate models

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