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Climate Science

Tarik Benmahrnia

Climate Change Epidemiologist and Associate Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego

Area of Expertise:

Heat and environmental justice, heat and global health, heat warning systems development, heat action plans evaluation, monitoring and measuring extreme heat and micro-heat islands, compounded impacts of heat and other climate hazards

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Daniel Cayan

Research meteorologist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego Principal Investigator, California-Nevada Applications Program

Area of Expertise:

California climate, climate change connections to wildfire and drought, shifts in nature in response to climate change

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Alexander “Sasha” Gershunov

Climate Scientist and Research Meteorologist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego

Area of Expertise:

Heat waves, the relationship between weather extremes and large-scale climate change, precipitation and drought, the relationship between climate and society, extreme weather and climate impacts on wildfire, energy, ecosystems, water resources and public health

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Kristen Guirguis

Climate Scientist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego

Area of Expertise:

Regional and global climate variability and change, including improving predictions of precipitation extremes in California, off-season heat waves and their impact on snowpack and water resources, and heat related health impacts on populations in California

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Morgan Levy

Environmental scientist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the School of Global Policy and Strategy

Area of Expertise:

Research focuses on understanding interactions between the hydroclimate, water systems, and environmental and human health, leads the ecohydrology group in the SoCal Heat Hub at Scripps, which aims to understand how vegetation and water can correspond to health-impact relevant change in temperature

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Heat and Health

Wael Al-Delaimy

Professor, UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
Principal Investigator, GeoHealth Hub on Climate Change and Health in the Middle East and North Africa
Principal Investigator, Global Center on Climate Change, Water, Energy, Food, and Health Systems

Area of Expertise:

Environmental health and climate change, health impacts of climate change, water-energy-food-health nexus

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Carlos F. Gould

Assistant Professor, UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science

Area of Expertise:

Mortality and morbidity trends in heath, health effects of wildfire smoke, clean energy

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Alexandra K. Heaney

Assistant Professor, UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science

Area of Expertise:

Climate-sensitive diseases, mortality and morbidity trends in heat, impact of heat on exercise, transportation, infant mortality, heat and disease

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Jyoti Mishra

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego School of Medicine
Founder and Director, Neural Engineering and Translation Labs
Co-Director, UC Climate Change and Mental Health Initiative

Area of Expertise:

Mental health impacts of climate change; mindfulness and resilience training in context of climate related disasters

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Candis Morello, Pharm.D.

Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Area of Expertise:

Impact of heat on mail-delivered medications for diabetes, which can inactivate the medication; in San Diego this can be an issue for east county areas which reach higher temperatures than the coast

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Ian Neel

Associate Professor of Medicine, UC Diego School of Medicine, and Practicing Physician at UC San Diego Health

Area of Expertise:

Dehydration, physiological impacts of heat, heat stroke, inpatient geriatric care, delirium, health-issues related to heat in vulnerable populations like seniors

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Policy and Energy

Jennifer Burney

Professor of Environmental Science

Area of Expertise:

Urban heat’s disproportionate impact on low-income neighborhoods and communities with higher Black, Hispanic and Asian populations, urban planning and how trees/greenery planted as well as changing building materials to pale colors could offset urban heat

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Michael Davidson

Assistant professor of engineering systems

Area of Expertise:

Regional power system integration and the increasing challenges of west-wide extreme weather events

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Shengqiang Cai

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Developing soft materials, such as hydrogels, that can be mixed into soil to retain water, aiding small farms that have less water available for irrigation due to climate change

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Renkun Chen

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Wearable cooling technology; fundamentals of heat transfer; and materials for storing thermal energy and converting it to electrical energy

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Zheng Chen

Associate Professor, Aiiso Yufeng Li Family Department of Chemical and Nano Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Lithium-ion batteries that perform well in extreme heat and cold

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Teevrat Garg

Associate professor of economics

Area of Expertise:

Heat’s impact on developing countries/impacts to productivity, cognitive abilities, time use and how India is one of the countries most impacted by heat

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Joshua Graff Zivin

Professor of economics

Area of Expertise:

High temperatures’ effects on cognitive abilities/ test scores, economic impact of labor loss during heat waves for workers in exposed climates, by 2100, the U.S. will lose 1.8 billion labor hours every year, equal to $170 billion in lost wages

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Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Area of Expertise:

How to integrate renewable energy on the power grid, what happens when extreme heat overloads the grid. Impact of grid outages on communities

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Jan Kleissl

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Area of Expertise:

Principal investigator of DERConnect, an NSF-funded testbed to integrate renewables into the grid, expert on solar forecasting, how extreme heat impacts the power grid and efforts to decarbonize it

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Gordon McCord

Associate professor of sustainable development

Area of Expertise:

Hotter temperatures being associated with more murders in Mexico, how warmer and wetter weather due to climate change leads impacts health with more cases of hookworm and mosquito-borne illnesses like Zika

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David Victor

Professor of innovation and public policy, director of Deep Decarbonization

Area of Expertise:

Responses by the electric power system, impacts on demand for electricity and interactions between electric grids and wildfires

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